Dr. Micaela Cerletti

I am a researcher working at the University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP), Argentina. My current research centers on the regulatory mechanisms of membrane proteases and the regulation of carotenogenesis in halophilic archaea and other organisms of biotechnological interest. During my postdoctoral work, I furthered my investigation into ATP-dependent LonB protease in archaea under the guidance of Dr. Rosana De Castro. I gained expertise in proteomics and proteome turnover dynamics during several research stays at Ruhr University Bochum, under the mentorship of Dr. Ansgar Poetsch. More recently, I spent time in Dr. Alexandre Bisson’s lab at Brandeis University, USA, where I developed advanced microscopy skills to study protein degradation mechanisms in halophiles.

Genetic manipulation
Cell transformation
CRISPR interference
Gene depletion
Gene inactivation
Plasmid-based expression
Transposon insertion mutagenesis
Molecular Biology
DNA extraction
Northern blot
Protein cross-linking and Co-immunoprecipitation
Western blot
Cellular Biology
Cell shape
Motility assay
Stress survival assay
Phyla researched