- 10.05 am - Eleanor Wang - PhD researcher, UC Berkeley (Taga lab) -Comparative genomic analysis and experimental validation of corrinoid biosynthesis in archaeal species
- 10:20 am - Networking session.
- 10:35 am - Dr. Florian Wollweber - Postdoc, ETH Zurich (Pilhofer lab) - Multi-scale imaging of an Asgard archaeon illuminates the origin of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton
To attempt to accommodate researchers from various time zones seminars will be held at 14:00 UTC, which corresponds to 4-5 pm CET, 10-11 am EST, and 7-8 am PST. The majority of talks are recorded so APH members can view asynchronously and join the discussion on our Slack channel!
Sign up for listserv and Slack channel here https://www.archaea.bio/archaea-power-hour to receive the Zoom link.